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Index: Newton's law of gravitation Acceleration due to gravity Newton's law of gravitation: Every particle in the univ...

Newton's law of gravitation


  1. Newton's law of gravitation
  2. Acceleration due to gravity

Newton's law of gravitation:

Every particle in the universe attracts another particle towards them, this attraction force is called gravitation force.

gravitation redupoint

Two particle 'm1' and 'm2' the distance between them is 'R' and attraction force between them is 'F'.

According to newton's law of gravitation:

  • The attraction force between two particle is directly proportional to the product of their masses,

            F α m1m2                             (1)
  • The attraction force between two particle is inversely proportional to the square root of there distance,
            F α 1/R2                                (2)

--According to (1) and (2)

{F α m1m2}        { F α 1/R2}

--On removing proportionality sign(α) a constant comes,

G = universal gravitational constant
value of G = 6.67×10-11 Nm2/kg

Dimension = [M-1 L3 T2]

Acceleration due to gravity:

 The rate of change of velocity of an object falling down from any height due to effect of earth gravitational force is called gravitational acceleration (g).

The value of 'g' is 9.8m/s
Dimension = [M0 L1 T-2]

Here are few pictures of my hand written notes for better understanding,

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